How to Fix the Shooting Problem in America.
Some people will say you can't do that.
Well if our Founding Father's thought
that way,
would not be a nation today.
have a problem, you fix it.
the Gun Problem in America
first thing we need to realize it is about saving lives, not controlling guns,
recent school shooting in Florida broke a very sad record in America. It bumped
Columbine from the top ten list of the worst school shootings. The problem is
not guns. The two worst mass killings in America did not involve guns at all.
Oklahoma City and 9/11 both happened without a shot being fired. The problem is a lack of respect for the
sanctity of life. As God has been removed from our society we have fallen into
a state of Anarchy. The only way to restore order is to make consequences of
civil disobedience so severe that no one wants to pay the price. Criminals have far more rights in the
American justice system than the average citizen, and are better served by the
court system. It is time to reverse the corruption in our system of
government. It can start by passing the
laws recommended in this post, or we can sit by complacently till the talons of
anarchy tear into our own lives. Congress can fix this problem. The right to
own guns is given by the Constitution, therefore laws concerning their use
should be Federal Laws and Crimes. About thirteen thousand five hundred people
are killed by guns in America each year. Over one hundred people are shot every
day, and over forty of them die every day. While school shootings focus our
attention on the problem, there is a bigger problem.
We might as well fix two problems while we
are at it. Decriminalizing the use of plants will destroy the profit incentive
which the drug culture is based on. The criminals who depend on the high
profits will fade from existence just like the rum runners did at the end of
Prohibiton. Another American mistake created by an incompetent government of
the time. Notice I did not say legalize.
I said decriminalize because the laws concerning drugs should never have been
passed in the first place. A little studying will make clear that growing
plants is a God given right. A right validated in the Declaration of
Independence which will open enough jail cells to start incarcerating people
who violate the new laws I am proposing. The present drug laws are useless. The
waste of money on agencies that only perpetuate their own existence thru
incompetence and indifference is insane. It would be far cheaper for the
government to grow and distribute pot to the abusers at a nominal fee which
would eliminate the need to resort to criminal means to pay for their habits.
Pot did not become illegal until the end
of Prohibiton. The laws against pot were pushed by the alcohol industry who
wanted their business back. My
grandfather who was a WW I veteran told my cousin and I that pot was the
alternative high during Prohibition era and became very popular. The present
drug enforcement system is an asinine use of our tax dollars. Nobody has ever
overdosed on pot. They might die from doing something stupid on pot, but not
from pot. That can be verified by the fact that it is legal to have up to two
ounces of pot in your possession in Washington, D.C., which shows the hypocrisy
of our government. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both raised and sold
marijuana on their farms. They both left detailed records of their farm
operations. Probably did not sell it as pot, but as the raw material for making
hemp rope, cloth and burning for heat. The financial benefits from job
creation, product production and industrial potential, such as ethanol, far out
weight the threat of a few thousand pot heads. God made clear in Genesis 1:29
that "all" plants bearing seed were for our use. The Declaration of
Independence makes clear we have rights given by our creator. In Genesis 1:31 God said he had finished
creation and it was good. He definitely knew the potential for misuse. It must
not have bothered him. Alcohol is a far bigger problem for mankind but Jesus
turned water into wine. So was Jesus wrong. Our priorities are a little messed
what is the solution? God gave clear
directions about the price of taking a life. He did not hedge, he made it clear
in Genesis 9:5-6
I created humans to
be like me, and I will punish any animal or person that takes a human life. If
an animal kills someone, that animal must die. And if a person takes the life
of another, that person must be put to death.
The laws I am recommending are what God
commanded and will go a long way to fixing the problems in America. The problem
in America is not guns. It is a lack of the respect for the sanctity of life. A
lack of respect reflected in the abortion industry, another crime that God
recommends capital punishment for. There are several more offenses that God
recommends capital punishment for. If all the laws were enforced it would
probably reduce our population by over fifty percent. My goal however is not to
kill people but to make sure that the right to life is held sacred as God
proposed it. Many of the crimes are moral and can be debated. The taking of a
life which is God given is a crime against God. Therefore what God says is
just, and is not excessive. Not enforcing what God says is a crime against
mankind is a lack of responsibility. The removal from society is not excessive,
but an obligation for the safety of the rest of mankind. If someone sticks a
gun in your face and threatens to blow your brains out would you want him roaming the streets.
The Declaration of Independence says we
have a God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore
anyone taking away those rights should answer to God and the punishment he
commands. That being said, when I look at the crime in America it is easy to
see that the main cause of most of our crimes is a lack of respect for the
sanctity of life. Our government has created an environment that promotes the problems
facing America today. The government has created a society that does not
promote self- sufficiency. What we have
instead is a valueless dependent class. One that has no respect for law and
order, but are a law onto themselves.
Many I have talked to say my recommendations
will never stand a chance. Well America is at a point that this is the only
hope of saving our nation. If it is not done it will lead to the only other
alternative mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and that is the
overthrow of the government and rebuilding of our country. With almost as many
guns as people in this country, the thought of revolution is not a choice I
care to see America make.
The Right to
Bear Arms
The right to bear arms is a birth right of
the American people. In the movie the Patriot when his home is burnt by the
British, he runs into the burning home and saves his guns. He had four sons and
he had guns for each of them. It made an
interesting point as they had been taught how to use them at a very young age.
Over the last two hundred years guns have
evolved. The Constitution was made to be
adjusted over time. It is time for the
Amendment to be amended to reflect the world we live in now. There are definitely two classes of guns and
they should be clearly defined. The original weapons will still do what they
were intended for. They will still provide for our security. This category I call Constitutional Weapons. In this day and age there is need for a second
class of weapons. Just for the record
the majority of all capital crimes are committed with what I call
Constitutional weapons. Revolver pistols would be exempt from license as Constitutional
Weapons and would be exempt from taxation. Semiautomatics however fall into the
category of Recreational weapons.
Weapons need to be put into two
Constitutional Weapons, in this category
would be muzzle loaders, like the ones that were used to gain our freedom from
Great Britain. It would also include shotguns, breach action guns, pump
shotguns, lever action guns, revolvers and any other weapon that requires a
break in firing between rounds. Most of the deaths in America happen from these
kinds of guns, mass shootings happen with guns in the next category.
Recreational Weapons, in this category
are all weapons that can be fired continuously by simply pulling the trigger.
All recreational weapons would be licensed and taxed annually just like cars.
If I have to license my recreational canoe, gun owners should be forced to do
likewise. There will be no licenses, limitation, or fees placed on
Constitutional weapons.
nonregistration of Constitutional weapons means they are not in a database and
no one can go on a computer and see how many weapons you have. Some of the
single shot Constitutional weapons are accurate at two miles away. The skill of
the marksman will accomplish as much or more than filling the air with bullets.
This does not control or take away gun rights. The Federal government has
already done that in banning the ownership of certain types of weapons, like
machine guns. Licensing guns is not unfair, the government already licenses
cars, boats, planes and many other things. In Indiana even horse and buggies
are not exempt from the requirement, the Amish have to plate their vehicles.
This may not solve the gun problem but it
will make those who have the weapons responsible for paying the fees that help
finance the programs to fix America. The
fees can be used to create a better system of controls, background checks,
mental evaluations, security systems in our schools.
This is my view on the matter my view is to
buy a gun you must show proof of citizenship. Gun ownership is guaranteed to
Americans. If you are not a citizen you have no right to a gun by my opinion,
but that is my view on the matter
Laws to Fix the Problem
#1 Commission of a crime with a gun will result in a Federal Felony Conviction
and no less than ten years in prison. The punishment is for having a gun during
the commission of a crime. The issue is not whether the person used weapon but
that they had it in their possession.
#2 Use of a weapon causing bodily injury will result in a minimum sentence of
forty years to life. If a life is taken
it will result in a life sentence without parole. There will be no plea
bargains allowed. This is a just law. It
is not cruel and unusual punishment. Releasing a known predator back into
society, would be cruel and unusual.
right to self-defense and protecting one’s life, family and property may make
exceptions to the mandatory penalty, but only from provable self-defense.
sentences are not unfair. It should not be a problem as killing people and
robbery are not the intent of honest gun owners. In England police officers do
not even carry guns. Their view is that they are to serve the public, not to
suppress the public. England averages about 40- 60 gun deaths per year, which
are mostly suicides. In 2014 the number
of gun deaths in Japan was six. Seems to me we have a problem with a lack of
respect for life in America.
Once the public sees that this is the law
and it starts being enforced I assure you the crime rate will drop. The multiple offenders will not be released
to prey on society. They will be removed from society. When people understand
that picking up a gun requires one to be responsible for ones actions and that
the misuse of a weapon will cost them dearly, attitudes will change. A respect
for life is the only cure for the problem America is facing. A lack of moral
values is the source of the problem.