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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Corona Virus, Avoiding A Depression, It Can Be Done, Will It

       Corona Virus versus The Founding Fathers

      As America completely alters its state of being under the impact of the Corona Virus, one has to wonder if will we survive. Will we ever get back to normal, or is this the new normal. America has survived having our capitol burnt, a civil war, two World Wars and numerous other disasters. Just over a hundred years ago we survived the Spanish Flu which killed millions of people world wide and over 600,000 Americans.

     In my opinion America will survive and it may come out of this as a better nation. The Virus has revealed many inequities and short comings in America. One question is will it push us into another Great Depression. That will depend totally on how our leadership reacts or fails to react to the crisis.

     In the Great Depression the market lost 89% of its value. It took three years from the crash to hit bottom. It lasted almost ten years. Only World War II ended it. When Obama took office the Dow was at 7949 due to large losses in the 2008 Crash. The market recovered and was up two and one half that amount by the time Trump took office. The market rose one and a half times its value under Trump. It was at 19,732 when he took office and rose steadily to just over 29,551 at one point. It has since lost 21 % of its value. To match the Great Depression it would have to fall to a bottom of 3251.

     Could that happen I hope and pray it doesn't. However it could if the present leadership continues to follow in the footsteps of Hoover. Hoover did not want to get involved and said it was a business thing. Recently Trump said the same thing. When Hoover did finally react, when things were much like they are right now, farmers destroying the products, it was too little, too late.

      Since that time the government has changed a lot and created a variety of programs to try and prevent the past from repeating itself. The Virus is a whole different ballgame and will require America to completely alter its way of thinking. The government will have to get involved and on a very large scale.

    It will take a completely new view of Abraham Lincoln's famous quote, "we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth." America as we understand it and many other nations could perish from the face of the earth. America could fall into Anarchy as people start to starve, not because there is a lack of food, but a lack of understanding that all the government does, is for the people. and it is done by the people, by actions of the people.

   When Lincoln made that comment he was facing one of the greatest challenges our country has ever faced. The last part of that quote is hardly ever quoted. Today as a nation we are facing a challenge, of equal or possibly greater threat to our being as a nation.

    The Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 gives the Congress three duties. The power to create and collect taxes for the management of our government, the duty to raise and provide for a military. The third article is to provide for the welfare of the nation. I do not believe that was meant in the way most Americans see it today, to pay it out in food stamps. It was meant to provide all the needs of our nation, all the infrastructure and the funds to administer to the needs of the people and the nation. We need to understand that welfare is fully equal with raising funds and armies, without the third part, the first two parts can not function.

    It also gave the government the power to borrow money on credit. Today they create it out of thin air. If Congress has done nothing else they have mastered the art of spending money they do not have.

   My next statement will rub many the wrong way, but in view of Lincoln's statement I think it is the right understanding. Even the people are part of the infrastructure. You can not build infrastructure without people, and that requires healthy people, regardless of race, religion, and even sex. This crisis is making clear America has come up short in providing for all Americans equally. Health care workers are deemed essential to our well being, but so are those who provide food, transportation, safety and services our communities depend on to function as a social body.

    The President saying all the people who work in the meat plants must go back to work is one thing, but it is his and our governments duty to meet the needs and provide the equipment necessary to safely perform that task. It is well known he has little respect for minorities who make up the bulk of the labor force in those industries. When the Virus hits the field workers who pick the crops America will have to make some major adjustments. I have already planned to double the size of my garden this year and to start raising chickens and rabbits as they quickly provide a meat supply. Those living in major cities do not have that option.

   It is not my intention to intimidate, but to share the possibility we may be facing. Revelation 9:15 makes clear there will be an event in the end time that will wipe out a third part of mankind. From what I have seen so far this Virus is fully capable of accomplishing that task.

    How and if we survive this crisis is in the hands, of the people, It will be managed by them and if it comes up short, it will be the failure of the people to come together. So far I have been impressed by my country, but the eventual outcome may be a ways down the road. Can the America of today rise to the challenges they faced during the Great Depression. I think so, but our government will take some major restructuring to make it happen.

    People will have to realize they are not black, white or any other color, they are not Democrats or Republicans, We are all Americans first and foremost, and that survival will depend on everyone pulling together. The link I shared is from my other blog. It has many ideas on how we need to change our government. Including creating a third party, that is for Americans, and in which you are American first and foremost.

     So how does the government save us in this situation. They need to step up to the plate and create the logistics to provide safe work environments and protective equipment for all Americans working in essential skills. Yes food production is an essential skill. Wars are won by logistics. Not having the proper equipment at the proper time  will cause you to lose the battle.

     There is more than enough supplies of the necessities in America. Getting them to the food banks and the places they need to be requires logistics.  I spent over thirty-five years of my life in logistics. Thirteen years in the Army dropping supplies by parachute to our troops. During Tet of 1968 in Vietnam that was the only way our troops were getting supplies. Another twenty plus years I spent in the trucking industry.

     What we need to win this battle we have. What we don't have is leadership that is willimg to step up to the plate. Leadership can still be pushed from behind in this country. If you care about this country you need to share this post and make sure those you know share it and that they encourage their leadership in Congress to act now. By November we  may be so far into a depression we can't get out of it. The only reason we will lose this battle is through indifference to what is before us.

     We have all seen pictures of the soup kitchens during the great depression. We are headed their again if the government create a logistal program to get the products that are being wasted to the food banks and programs that need them. 

    It is one thing to lose a battle because you do not have what you need. It is entirely another to have the items to end the suffering and keep us going till victory and doing nothing.  When I see all the food bank workers and people making mask to help their fellow Americans, I know victory is within our grasp. Yet when our fearless leader tells people to go to work, but does not provide the equipment or testing they need to do it safely, he is criminally incompetent.

    T-Rump as I call him likes to look at himself as a leader. Well he needs to get off of that rump and provide the leadership we need. It could turn him from a loser to a winner over night. He has had a borderline business history, and it is easy to see that many of his business failures happened because of a lack of understanding of logistics and overstretching what he had to work with.  I think if he gets enough mail telling him to be in charge, and not just claim to  be. He might actually wake up to the opportunity to actually be the leader he claims to be.