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Sunday, December 15, 2019

T-Rump & the Republi-can’ts vs the Constitution

             T-Rump & the Republi-can’ts vs the Constitution

       Sometimes the hardest part of writing something is knowing where, or how to start. This time I think I should start by explaining how I came up with the T-Rump.  I was reading something on the T-Rex dinosaur and how it was a flesh eater and a terror to anything that got in its path.  It was a very big and terrifying beast. Suddenly I had an epiphany and realized it was a perfect description of Donald Trump.  Terrifying and destructive of anything that gets in his way and the biggest Rump that ever lived. As for the Republi-can’ts they like to boast that they serve the country.  Yet they have done nothing to fix the many problems facing America. They haven’t fixed the health care problem, the gun problem, the immigration problem, infrastructure problem of the budget/debt problem. Every since Obama was elected in 08, all they have done is whine and cry and try to undo anything that the Dumb'ol-crats have tried to do, while offering no solutions to any of the problems facing America. For eleven and a half years they have done nothing.

    Since T-Rump took office it has only gotten worse. They do absolutely nothing and hide behind T-rump and his tweets.  The present impeachment problem has shown how little they know or care. The Constitution States very clearly that it is the duty of the Congress to appropriate and disburse funds.  Yet they are willing to LetT-Rump usurp their authority and do their job without complaint, even though it violates the Constitution.

    Their ignorance knows no bounds. Senator Jordan made the quote that the majority of Americans elected T-Rump and that the Dumb’ol-crats can’t stand it that they lost the election.  Actually if it was not for the Electoral College that needs to be done away with, T-Rump would have lost by several million votes.

   I used to be proud to call myself a Republican, However, the last time I voted for a Republican, or any mainstream candidate was Ronald Reagan’s first term in office. Since then I have voted independent. Actually I am trying to create a third party so people will have a choice that matters.

     The Dumb’ol-crats endorse abortion and are too far from what I consider basic Christian values for me. Their views on health care do not meet my standards either. Of course the Republi-can’ts do nothing but rant and rave. They have surrendered the party to a loud mouthed, pathological liar, who is more concerned with what Putin wants and how to help him than fixing the problems in America.

    All the parties involved have and will take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  They all need to read and heed the Constitution and what their duties are under the Constitution.  However, in my view what we are about to see is the abortion of the United States as a nation. T-Rump has worked hard at making America the laughing stock of the World.

      I invite you to read the link I inserted and to realize that there are solutions to the problems facing America.  I offer solutions to the healthcare problem, infrastructure, guns, immigration and the budget problems facing American. The solution will not come from taking away from the rich, but by fixing the system in a way that it will maintain itself.  Kicking people off of food stamps and putting immigrants in concentration like environments is not a solution.  It is totally an unchristian thing to do and goes against what this nation stands for.

    Until Congress understands their duties under the Constitution, the problems will not be fixed. They are too busy lining their pockets and pointing fingers. It is time to wake up America. It is time to get rid of the communist criminal in the white house. Not because he is a crook, but because America deserves better than what it is getting in the present administration.                   

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