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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Que Sera Sera, Not All Meters Are Equal, Knowing May Save Your LIfe,.VI

  How Your Blood Test Meter Can Help You Beat Type II Diabetes

About the first of February my health care provider informed me that they had changed their program. That they had made a deal with a company called Maxor to provide all their pharmacy needs in the future. Based on a letter I received from Maxor they are not going to  support my Freestyle test strips anymore after April 1st. They recommended I try the One Touch brand. My diabetes doctor’s office provided me a One Touch meter when I informed them.

Maxor said my brand of tester was to expensive. I wonder if they considered that I was no longer using insulin which according to my pharmacy was about an $1150 a month expense. That was quite a big savings. I know one thing if I used the meter they recommended I would be back on insulin. I don’t know if that is their goal or not, but it is certainly not mine. If they really wanted to cut cost they would send every diabetic they service a copy of Blood Sugar 101. Then offer a small percentage of any cost savings in the form of a premium reduction. If their goal was really to save money. Being off of insulin is saving me almost a $110 a month just in co-pay. That fills my car up twice. The price of my physical improvement from weight loss and health improvement are hard to measure.

The Practitioner who gave me the meter showed me how to use it. The test result was 137. I told her that seemed awful high and we tested on my Freestyle meter and it was 107. That is a 22% difference. As I told her my goal was to get down to an 80 point average. That one test result was not good. If my meter is right, that means an 80 on the One Touch meter would actually be a 60 on my meter. That could put a person at risk of going into a diabetic coma. Right then I decided to research the matter and have invested my own money to find out if the wide reading is systemic. My results may not be scientific, but they tell me there is a problem.

I have found some interesting facts. One is that when fasting they are all in a pretty close grouping, but still higher than my meter. However when eating a regular meal the spread in points can be very significant. About the same time I discovered a book called Blood Sugar 101 by Jenny Buhl. I got my copy thru Amazon. Her program to lower your test scores recommends testing before meals and about 2 hours after eating. She states anything over 120 should be considered not acceptable, others recommend 140. I prefer her guide and since I started following her guidelines my numbers have dropped dramatically.

If mine are over 100 when I test, I fast till I get results below 100. I am on what is called an intermittent fasting diet and only eat at 11AM and 5PM. That means no eating at all between 5PM and 11AM. Oh Yes and no snacks between 11 and 5. You actually get used to it after a short while. It helped me break the wall I had been stuck at for some time.

Why am I so concerned about the matter. It is really pretty simple, at least if you have lived as long as me. I am seventy three and have seen dozens of friends suffer the ravages of diabetes over time. Lost limbs, lost vision, are just a couple of the many consequences of a disease that basically rots your body from within. The sad thing is that it can be stopped by proper dieting. Another sad part of that is that most people would rather not change habits that they have had for a lifetime. Even if it means extending their life instead of cutting it short. I read where the results of diabetes can knock a decade off of your life expectancy.

To me it has become a matter of the quality my life. Three years ago I was always short of breath and unable to do even the most simple physical activities. Going for a one hour walk was out of the question. I may have to take my walker and break it up into smaller pieces but I can do it now. I can once again bend down to tie my shoes or pick things up. Simple thing, but if your health is so far gone you can’t do them it is wake up call that the lifestyle change was and is worth the cost.

For the last three years I have hardly written compared to when I started my blog back in 2011. For a time it was like I was going into a state of dimentia. I would sit down at the keyboard and I could not focus my thoughts. It has been slow but I have seen a gradual but steady change back to what I would call normal. I credit it all to my changes in diet and the weight loss I have experienced.

It is not my goal to claim some miracle healing, but I do want to share that changing your lifestyle can have some wonderful and enjoyable benefits. I never thought I would see seventy three. Especially after I technically died twice back in 04 and they bought me back. My goal now is to enjoy any and all the time I have left. This spring I was lucky enough to go to the graduation of my youngest grand child of seven, and only grand daughter. Since then I have managed to live longer than my Dad did. So if I am going to stick around I intend to continue to have goals. I would like to be around for my twin great grand daughters graduation. They turned eight on Sunday. If I live as long as my Mom I will be able to do it. As I take more after her it may be possible. Her side of the family has many people who lived till their 80’s and 90’s.

After three years of being on insulin and getting off it by changing my lifestyle and diet, it is possible to get Type II diabetes under control, but not without making some changes. The biggest one is getting the mindset that you are no longer going to be a victim. You can beat it but you have to get focused to do it.

Lord Willing I am going to go to the Chicago Area for a seminar on pond building in March. Over the last couple of years I have gotten hooked on watching Koi fish, My goal is to build my own pond. In September I went to the Atlanta Koi Show. Now I am planning to go to the Louisville Koi Show at Memorial Day, and then back to Atlanta this fall. Hopefully I will be able to work in a couple short trips to the Smoky Mountains also. Life is fun, live it, don’t just endure it.

Sorry about all the personal trivia, but I hadn’t written much in some time and was just trying to let my regular readers know why. Hopefully I can get back into a productive cycle. After all there are a lot of things going on that I used to write about on a regular basis and hopefully I can start sharing my two bits on a regular basis again.

Learning what to eat is the key.

                                      Blood Meter Test Results

Date   Freestyle     One Touch    ReliOn    ReliOn    AccuChek  Freestyle
           Freedom Lite        Ultra 2             Premier        Prime          Guide Me            Neo

2/18AM   107                   109                    123              105               127                  117
2/18PM    74                      95                      91                95                 89                    96

2/19AM   113                    134                   125              118               142                   116
2/19PM    114                    111                   118              115               143                   103

2/20AM   124                    135                   131              129               139                   121
2/20PM   100                     113                  100               105               103                    93
2/21AM   130                   134                   128               113               145                  110
2/21PM    83                    106                     94                 92                 95                    84

2/22AM   118                    132                  120               107              120                    95
2/22PM  100                      125                 109               104               107                   102

2/23AM  128                     144                  138              142                131                  138
2/23PM   114                     142                  123              127                130                  129

2/24AM  118                    126                   112              102                131                  113 (104)
2/24PM   89                     107                     95               86                  95                    82

2/25AM  113                    119                  132               141                 162                  114
2/25PM  100                    104                   104               105                116                   100

Totals   1538                  1936                 1843             1786               1975                 1713
Average 96                      121                   115               111                 123                   107
Numbers inside of brackets are results of tests taken 2 hours after eating. If the number is more than 120 it may not be a good meal for a diabetic. Some guides say 140 is okay. I prefer the lower number. I usually only do the two hour test when I am eating something I am not sure of the results.

One important point to keep in mind, the readings on your meter are used to determine what dose of medicine you are prescribed. If the meter is reading 30% high, you are getting 30% of medicine you may not need. The same could be said for a low meter reading, but would you rather be under dosed or over dosed? Think about that for a minute and let it sink in.

After doing this study and looking at the numbers I have to wonder. If the two highest meters are prescribed by doctors and give numbers that will make people have to take insulin, wouldn’t it save the company money to not prescribe insulin? The only thing that would make sense to use the high point meters is if the insurance companies were getting a kick back for prescribing high cost insulin. As insulin is much cheaper in other countries that is the only reason I can see for not wanting patients on meters giving lower numbers. I find it hard to believe four out of six meters could be that far off.

One factor makes me wonder what is going on. Freestyle Lite test strips are $1.67 per strip. The One Touch Ultra test strips are $1.37 which is much cheaper and understandable till you realize the higher numbers for the One Touch is going to put more people on insulin. If it was truly about saving money it would make more sense to prescribe the ReliOn Prime or the Freestyle Neo which are about 36 to 39 cents per test strip. The problem with those is that to many people would be getting off of the diabetes medicines. Which creates a problem for the pharmaceutical companies. How can you make a profit if no one is buying your product.

I may not be able to figure out the how and why of it all but I know Type II diabetes can be reversed. The problem is that to do that most patients will have to figure how to do it by themselves as many of the doctors have already written the diabetic off as a lost cause. That sounds like I am biased. I am not, and I am not the one who said it originally. I heard a doctor who was on a YouTube video say it. He said that not till he got diabetes himself did he realize the indifference of many in the medical fields.

Hope this helps someone. Your comments are welcome. In the words of my grand daughter “Sharing is Caring” If you know someone who is a diabetic I urge you to share this post and to read my other posts in this series. My blog only grows by word of mouth. I would like to have a lot of subscribers but that is not my goal. I write simply because I like writing and know that sharing knowledge can save someone else from enduring unnecessary hardships. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

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