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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Are You in Line to Die?

                  Corona Virus Testing, Speed Kills

If your following the news, New York has had an outbreak explosion. The question is why? I think I may have figured it out. I spent over forty years of my life in logistics. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. Nor am I a rocket scientist. but using common sense and what has been released about the virus I see a possible cause.

America wants a solution now and they thing testing everybody will solve the problem, but the way they are doing it may be part of the problem. The drive thru testing program was not thought out completely. At least I don’t think so. Here is why.

Cars line up to be tested. As I understand it the virus can live in the air for up to three hours. The first car pulls up and rolls down the window. Theoretically the person doing the test is protected. If the first car pulls up and rolls his window down and he is positive. Air flows into the car, but contaminated air flows out. He tests positive and they put him in quarantine.

The next car pulls up, the driver opens his window. Air flows out of his car, but air also flows into his car, he was not positive and passes. However air from the first car flows into his car and he is now contaminated. In three hours anywhere from eighteen to thirty six cars do the same thing. Each unprotected driver may be exposed to the virus.

You stopped one case of the virus, but how many more did you create. Somebody needs to share this with the idiots in charge. I don’t know who to contact, but I know somebody needs to contact those doing the test.

If nothing else they need to re-screen all those who went have come down with the virus and find out if they went thru a drive thru test. Hopefully I am wrong, but I see a possible reason the number of cases is exploding in New York.

Running lots of tests in a short amount of time may not be the solution. In fact it may be part of the problem. I can post this but it takes readers sharing it to get it to the right people. If you know somebody involved in the testing, share this with them. If you are considering getting tested you may want to reconsider.

If you need to get groceries you may want to use the call in and pick up system offered by Walmart. Staying out of densely populated situations is your safest bet, if y our 70+ like me, having someone else do your shopping may save your life.

If you are laid off and have room, you might consider starting a garden and grow your own food. You might eat a bit healthier and it may save your life in the process.

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